Monday, January 29, 2007

An Evening with Kevin Smith 1 (2002)

First of all, I just finished Clerks 2 and WOW is it great but I'm sure I'm the last one on the block to have this obvious observation.

On to An Evening with Kevin Smith, this two disc set follows Kevin around the US delivering Q&A sessions at various college campuses. If you are not in the know, Kevin Smith is the director of such films as: Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy and others. He also plays Silent Bob in all of the above. His films are great but the thing that I really love is listening to this guy talk. For grins I listened to one of the commentary tracks on maybe Chasing Amy and was totally hooked. The guy can really tell a story and doesn't give a fuck about what he says or who hears it. This all leads into the above mentioned disc. From what I can tell after watching disc one is that he literally shows up on campus, walks up the podium, and has nothing to say. He then starts fielding questions from the audience and often times the answer rolls into an amusing story if not something that had me laughing out loud.

I'm damn near fanboy status with this guy so of course I loved disc one and disc two got bumped even higher up my Netflix queue. Let me know what you think.

4 stars out of 5