Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sin City (2005)

The deal with this movie is that it is an adaption of Frank Miller's graphic novels. That much I can tell you from the back of the box. I think that graphic novel is just a more mature way to say comic book.

The look and feel of this film alone blew me away. The use of CGI is jaw dropping at times and helps to create a unique world like I've never scene in film. Similar to "Pulp Fiction" the film follows serveral characters that cross paths in the seedy underworld of Basin City. Big names like Benicio Del Toro, Bruce Willis, Clive Owen and the lovely Jessica Alba all deliver great performances but I think Micky Rourke steals the show as Marv. I still can't figure out who he is even though he's been in a lot of movies. I really liked the fresh cinematography and violent storylines and look forward the sequel.

"I'll stare the bastard in the face as he screams to God, and I'll laugh harder when he whimpers like a baby. And when his eyes go dead, the hell I send him to will seem like heaven after what I've done to him." - Marv

4 stars out of 5

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Big (1988)

Tom Hanks is the great American actor of his era. No actor has been consistantly better movie after movie from the late 80's through all of the 90's until today. We know his award winning roles in "Saving Private Ryan," "Forrest Gump," and "Philadelphia," as well as his other great roles in "Appollo 13," "The Green Mile," "Terminal," and I think my favorite performance of his in "Castaway," which was much better even than his Oscar winning "Forrest Gump."

But in 1988 "Big" was his coming out party. While the movie may not be as 'serious' as some of Hank's other famous performances, I say it is equally as good. He matches the innocence and exuberence of a 13 year old boy with perfection. He also handles the scared little boy who wants just wants to be able to go back home to his mom. It is this confusion between wanting to be treated like and adult, yet still needing to be treated like a child which makes our teenage years so difficult and exciting, and which Hanks deftly handles with his performance... its as if you think Hanks was actually thirteen and really did just wake up as an adult the night before filming this movie. Other lesser actors would have just gone over the top and over acted... it would be an easy thing to in this role. Yet even during Hanks scenes where he does act especially child-like, such as the famous scene in the F.A.O. Schwartz toy store, or where his girlfriend spends the night... or 'sleeps over,' his exuberance is not over the top, yet also not under performed, he acts precisely as you would expect a 13 year old boy to act, from his big motions, down to the innocenct glimmer in his eye. An award worthy performance that is kind of overlooked probably because the movie is not a serious drama.

But "Big," while not a serious movie, is a great movie. It is funny, touching, poignant, sad, happy, and even romantic. Not many movies can boast to be all of those qualities at once. Just in case you don't remember I'll go over the plot real quick. A young boy, Josh is frustrated as many 13 year old boys can be about not being big or old enough to do a lot of the things he wants, such as ride on a roller coaster with the girl he likes (who is a good foot taller then he is like most 13 girls are). So after he wishes to be big at a Carnival game, he wakes up to literally find himself 30 years old and a full grown adult! As a 13 year old adult in New York City he fortuitously lands a great job for a toy company, meets a girl,and is successful, but finds he misses both his family as well as the fun and innocence of being child in a childs body. In some ways, especially for me, while re-watching "Big" I kind of felt like I went back to when I was a child because it was one of my favorite movies when I was about the same age as the boy in the movie. Watching it now as an adult I realize more so how effective "Big" is at what it is trying to do; every adult who watches this movie can't help but being taken back to a much more innocent time of our lives. Its success comes from reminding us what it was like to be a child. As you watch the movie you feel as if you are remembering the feelings you used to have, which are so easy to forget; the joys of silly string, and a trampoline. Or the excitement of being in your first limo and standing up out the sunroof as the big city rolls by, oblivious to the problems all around you.

It is a very fun family movie. And while it is pure science ficition in a way, it rings completely true. And is anchored by a fine, star-making, performance by one of our great actors. Re-watch "Big" and I gaurentee you a great time.

4 1/2 out of 5.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Freaks (1932)

Tod Browning's Freaks is by far the oldest movie I have ever rented. It's a black and white story about a circus and the freaks that work in it. Little person Hanz is in love with Cleopatra, a full size trapez artist. What Hanz doesn't realize is that she is only interested in his money.

What sets this movie apart is that Tod opted to use actual circus freaks instead of actors. I personally wasn't that shocked by the sight of people with deformities. I guess that's 2005 society for you but it really pissed off audiences in the 1930s. I actually liked the story right up until the end when it gets pretty twisted. Check it out if you are looking for something different.

2 stars out of 5

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Fever Pitch

This movie is deffinately a rental; not worth paying 8.50 admission plus gas and time, however for some easy night-time entertainment is worth checking out.

It is a romantic comedy starring Drew Barrymore and Jimmy Falon. Barrymore is an big-city business woman and Jimmy Falon is a school teacher. They meet when Jimmy brings a small group of his students to her business for a field trip. Barrymore, while at first apprehensive falls for Jimmy's funny nice-guy, even if he is just a 'school teacher' especially compared to the shallow men she meets in the business world. Everything seems perfect until the baseball season starts. Then the psycho red sox fan comes out.

You can pretty much predict the story line. Things go good at first, then there's a crisis in the relationship, but in the end they both end up realizing that they were each the best thing they had and suprise, suprise... end up together. Sorry if I ruined it for you, but I'm pretty sure you knew going in how it would end.

So the story line was a typical cliche'd hollywood romantic comedy, and Jimmy Falon's acting while improved over his no discipline cracking up-looking at the camera performances in SNL was stilted and forced. Despite all it flaws Fever Pitch still hit a few notes just right for me to be able to recomend it, and the notes it does hit all have to do with the illogical passion a logical person can have for something as trivial as a professional sports team. Something I can definately relate to. The agony, and ecstasy fantatical fans feel are illustrated perfectly, and humorously in this movie, and if you are a psycho fan, or know one, Fever Pitch can be appreciated for its perfect observations on that phenomenon.

MST3K: Manos: Hands of Fate (1993)

This review is really going to solidify my nerd status. For those not in the know, MST3K is short for Mystery Science Theater 3000 and is the TV show where three people are forced to watch terrible movies with only their sense of humor to keep them sane. Technically it's just one guy, Joel, and two robots--you might recognize their figures silhouetted on the bottom of the screen. I should warn you that MST3K movies are not for the faint of heart. They are exceptionally bad on purpose and Manos: Hands of Fate should be worked up to since it is considered to be the worst of the worst.

This episodes starts off with "Hired 2", a black and white short created by Chevrolet for their car salesman. Hired 2 is pretty funny but you quickly forget about it once "Manos: Hands of Fate" starts. I've watched a lot of really terrible movies on MST3K but this one stands out for missing the mark over and over. Even if you forget about the fact that the audio never synchs up and several shots are blatantly out of focus, the plot and execution of this movie is awful, awful, awful. This is greatly contrasted by Joel and the bots who are excellent.

The plot is vaguely about a couple and their daughter getting lost. They meet Torgo who watches the place 'while the Master is away'. Torgo is this prospector looking guy with gigantic knees who talks funny and walks super slow to his own theme music. If it wasn't for the constant Torgo bashing this movie would be unwatchable. The rest of the movie is about escaping from the evil Master before they get turned into zombie creatures.

I came across a couple of interesting facts about Manos: Hands of Fate. In many circles it is regarded as the worst movie ever made. It has even spawned a making of movie in 2004 title "Torgo Hotel". One of the best Torgo fan sites is All About Torgo which gives you the low down on the man, the myth, the monster.

3 stars out of 5

"kinda like having Joe Cocker as your bell hop" - Tom Servo

Monday, October 03, 2005

Seducing Doctor Lewis (2003)

A small fishing village outside of Quebec is so broke it will do anything to bring jobs into the area. Before any factory will consider moving into the area they need to double their population and get a community doctor. Until then they line up each week to receive their welfare checks.

I enjoyed the way the town rallies together to convince Dr. Lewis he needs to live there. This movie can be enjoyed by the whole family but I feel I should warn you that it's only available in French so there is lots of "we we" and "blu blah blu" talk. You'll have to read subtitles because there isn't an English overdub. Another pretty decent pick from the folks at Netflix.

3 stars out of 5