Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sin City (2005)

The deal with this movie is that it is an adaption of Frank Miller's graphic novels. That much I can tell you from the back of the box. I think that graphic novel is just a more mature way to say comic book.

The look and feel of this film alone blew me away. The use of CGI is jaw dropping at times and helps to create a unique world like I've never scene in film. Similar to "Pulp Fiction" the film follows serveral characters that cross paths in the seedy underworld of Basin City. Big names like Benicio Del Toro, Bruce Willis, Clive Owen and the lovely Jessica Alba all deliver great performances but I think Micky Rourke steals the show as Marv. I still can't figure out who he is even though he's been in a lot of movies. I really liked the fresh cinematography and violent storylines and look forward the sequel.

"I'll stare the bastard in the face as he screams to God, and I'll laugh harder when he whimpers like a baby. And when his eyes go dead, the hell I send him to will seem like heaven after what I've done to him." - Marv

4 stars out of 5


  1. I took my little brother Zack to see this in the theatres and really enjoyed it. Unlike any other movie experience I've ever seen. After watching the movie I checked out a couple of the actual comic books at Barnes and Noble, and the movie did a great job of capturing the feel and look of the comic book, I thought. Plus it was just graphic violent fun!

  2. I can't believe you took your Mum, almost as much as I can't believe you used the word Mum. The only thing I knew going into this movie is that it is really violent. There must have been some news headlines or something. Typically I like to go to the show and know nothing. I don't even want to know that there is a surprise ending...for me that ruins the surprise.

  3. Hey guys, did you see both Holly and her blog have disappeared? Pretty strange, I wonder what happened?
