Monday, January 12, 2009

The King of Kong (2007)

Why a movie about the 80s arcade game, Donkey Kong?. Why not Pac-Man or Asteroids? General consensus in the video game world is that Donkey Kong is one of the hardest due to the split second timing and general randomness of the jumping and smashing. Come to think of it, I'm not sure I've ever passed more than the first board.

King of Kong follows the true story of two video game gurus, Steve Weibe and Billy Mitchell. The former a likable unemployed family man with time on his hands and the latter an self-assured, business up front / party in the back, arcade game god. The two have an epic and on going battle for the high score on the arcade classic, Donkey Kong. This was an obvious pick for me because of my background with arcade games but to my surprise there is an heartfelt drama between the two competitors that stuck with me months after watching the film.

Go ahead, check the official governing body's website Twin Glaxies to see who holds the high score today--I just did and am not happy. If you like Donkey-Kong, documentaries, or world class mullets--you need to see The King of Kong.

4 stars out of 5.


  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Great movie. Billy Mitchell was an awesome villian, what a loser. Yet, he is real. Unbelievable. Steve Wiebe, such a great guy. I was really invested in his success, and felt the highs and lows right along with him. A great movie.

  2. It's years later and seeing this news story today really pisses me off.
