Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bottle Rocket (1996)

Owen and Luke Wilson make their film debut an instant classic. The movie follows Owen, Luke, and Bob Musgrave through a wacky introduction into the seedy underworld of organized crime. Amazingly, this is also Wes Anderson's directoral debut which he co-wrote with Owen. I think this film works as good if not better then some of his better known films, "The Royal Tenebaums" or "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou". Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of "The Royal Tenebaums" and especially "Rushmore" which is why I put "Bottle Rocket" on my list in the first place. I just couldn't believe how much of a sleeper it is. I watched it on my laptop in the Salt Lake City airport and couldn't stop from cracking up. Much like Wes's other works, this film isn't for everyone but if any of the above made you chuckle then expect the same from "Bottle Rocket". Drop me a comment after you see it.

"This is my business manager, Row Boat" - Mr. Henry

4.5 stars out of 5

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Hey Guys, I just saw this one and I had to put in my two cents so I dug through the archives.

    This movie was hilarious!! It was so interesting being able to see that fantastic, unique Anderson style in its early stages. That style improved so much (and was perfected in Tenenbaums) since Bottle Rocket, but I feel like Bottle Rocket is my favorite out of all of Anderson's.

    I really like Tenenbaums and Rushmore (didn't care too much for Life Aquatic though, oh well) and Bottle Rocket will join them as three of my favorite comedies. The Wilson brothers are so hilarious, Owen is in top form. Those two have a way of making that sharp and subtle dialogue sound so funny (probably cuz they are partly Owen's words). Great film... Nick, make sure you and Denise rent this soon, you'll love it.
